[pxes-devel] pxes keyboard|rdesktop|X problem
2005-11-29 11:12:04 UTC
Hi list!

I have about 20 pxes thin clients (and counting), all on different hardware
(from brand-new VIA mini boxes to old P166 :), everything works fine on
default pxes images and a bit customized configs. pxes/pxesconfig version is
old 1.0.7. Environment -- rdesktop to Win2003. However, i got strange
problem with one particular person. The symptoms are: after booting and
starting rdesktop neither keyboard nor mouse works (keyboard leds inactive,
as keypresses, and mouse pointer stuck to the center of the screen). After
sshing and killing X i can log in locally, therefore keyboard works. No
rdesktop or X errors present -- correct drivers and settings.
I tried several hardware configurations, switched mouse/keyboard/network
cable/thin client itself -- after two-three days of normal working the same
symptoms. And displaced hardware works fine in other departments and in my
office. Tried erasing and creating special-for-this-client conf file --
still no hope.
Guys, i mean, i _really_ dont want to blame this on karma, but i'm starting
to think i'm paranoid ;)

the dmesg output is no different than on working thin clients, exept there
xsetleds: error in reading keyboard indicator states
when this client is already dead. I get the box to my office, power on, and
everything works.
I just don't know what kind of information/logs supply to you, if you need
any -- i'll send it.

Can someone point me to the right direction exept killing the fsck outta
this secretary??

